Rem kaishi
FindPic 0, 0, 1366, 741, "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\DNF.bmp", 0.1, intA, intB
If intA > 0 And intB > 0 Then 
	MoveTo intA, intB
	LeftClick 1
	Goto xunhuan
	MessageBox "没有找到DNF"
End If

	Rem stop
Rem xunhuan
KeyPress "Enter", 1
Delay 2000
	FindColorEx 447,475,469,499,"11CB09",0,0.9,intX,intY
	If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
    	MoveTo 494, 493
    	LeftClick 1
    	Delay 200
    	MoveTo 901, 608
    	LeftClick 1
	MessageBox "维护好了"
    	Goto stop
	End If
	MoveTo 471, 612
	LeftClick 2
	Goto xunhuan