UserVar 第一点X坐标=0 "设置内容"
UserVar 第一点Y坐标=0 "设置内容"
UserVar 第二点X坐标=0 "设置内容"
UserVar 第二点Y坐标=0 "设置内容"
UserVar 第三点X坐标=0 "设置内容"
UserVar 第三点Y坐标=0 "设置内容"
UserVar 第四点X坐标=0 "设置内容"
UserVar 第四点Y坐标=0 "设置内容"
DimEnv Y,Mon,D,W,h,m,s,SJ,SW,ns
DimEnv i
DimEnv x
DimEnv ss
Call Plugin.File.WriteFileEx("C:\古墓挂机寻首报警.txt","----------------启动脚本-----------------" )
i = 0
While True
    ss = 100
    FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\安全区复活.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
    If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then 
        Call 死亡()
        MoveTo intX+5,intY+5
        LeftClick 1
        Delay 3000
    End If
    For 12
        FindColor 50,45,230,80,"00710E",xxxX,xxxY
        If xxxX > 0 And xxxY > 0 Then 
            IfColor xxxX + 130, xxxY, "710E", 1 Then
                Delay 100
                MoveTo 35,56
                Delay 100
                LeftClick 1
                Delay 100
                KeyPress "4", 1
                Delay 100
                ss = 100
                Goto sxs 
            End If
        End If
        FindColor 103,24,1024,768,"FFF477",intX,intY
        If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then 
            Delay 100
            MoveTo intX+10,intY+80
            Delay 100
            LeftClick 1
            Delay 100
            FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\寻首.bmp",0.7,xsX,xsY
            If xsX > 0 And xsY > 0 Then 
                Call 寻首()
                MoveTo 500,400
                Delay 100
                LeftClick 1
                MoveTo 35,56
                Delay 100
                LeftClick 1
                Delay 100
                ss = 4000
                i = i + 1
                Goto sxs
            End If
             Call 念生()

            For 33
                FindColor 103,24,1024,768,"FFF477",dgX,dgY
                If dgX > 0 And dgY > 0 Then 
                    MoveTo dgX+10,dgY+150
                    Delay 100
                    KeyPress "3", 1
                    Delay 400
                    LeftClick 1
                    Delay 100
                    Delay 100
                    KeyPress "2", 1
                    Delay 100
                    KeyPress "1", 1
                    Delay 100
                    KeyPress "4", 1
                    Delay 1500
                    KeyPress "Space", 1
                    Delay 100
                    KeyPress "Space", 1
                    Delay 100
                    KeyPress "Space", 1
                    Delay 100
                    KeyPress "Space", 1
                    Delay 100
                    KeyPress "Space", 1
                    Delay 100
                    KeyPress "Space", 1
                    Delay 100
                    KeyPress "Space", 1
                    Delay 100
                End If
        End If
        Delay 1000