Call Plugin.Window.Active(7406064)
Call Plugin.Window.Move(7406064, 0, 0)
Delay 100
SetSimMode 0
SetSimMode 1
SetSimMode 2
Rem z
KeyDown 18, 1
Delay 100
KeyPress 77, 1
Delay 100
KeyUp 18, 1
Delay 100
MoveTo 206, 303
Delay 100
RightClick 1
Delay 100
KeyPress "Esc", 1
Delay 100
rem p
FindPic 0,0,800,600,"Attachment:\1.bmp",1,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MoveTo intX, intY
Delay 1000
LeftDoubleClick 1
Delay 100
FindPic 0,0,800,600,"Attachment:\2.bmp",1,fuhuoX,fuhuoY
If fuhuoX > 0 And fuhuoY > 0 Then
MoveTo fuhuoX,fuhuoY
Delay 100
LeftDoubleClick 1
Delay 1000
Goto z
End If
goto p
End If