Dim a, b, c, d, e, a1, b1, c1, d1, f, g//分辨率为1280*800,网页最大化,处于斗剑场页面状态。
a = 1 * 40 - 40
b = 1 * 23 - 23
c = 1 * 40 - 40
d = 1 * 23 - 23
e = 1//e=0双开,e=1单开
f = 0
g = 0
a1 = 0//a1 =0斗剑历练正常开启,a1 =1斗剑历练跳过
b1 = 0//b1 =0斗剑天梯正常开启,b1 =1斗剑天梯跳过
c1 = 0//c1 =0斗剑历练正常开启,c1 =1斗剑历练跳过
d1 = 1//d1 =0斗剑天梯正常开启,d1 =斗剑天梯1跳过
Rem 开始1
FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\叉叉.bmp",1.0,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then 
Delay 100
MoveTo intX+6, intY+6
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 200
End If
Delay 50
MoveTo 563, 586
Delay 50
IfColor 1007, 354, "E25AE", 0 Then
Goto 战斗中1
Delay 300
IfColor 1007, 354, "E25AE", 0 Then
Goto 战斗中1
Delay 300
IfColor 1007, 354, "E25AE", 0 Then
Goto 战斗中1
End If
End If
End If
FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\战斗完成确定.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then 
Delay 100
MoveTo intX+10, intY+10
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 200
End If
Delay 100
MouseWheel 5
Delay 300
If a1 = 1 Then 
Goto 排名战1
End If
If a = 200 Then 
a = 0
MoveTo 303, 372
Delay 2000
LeftClick 1
Delay 2000
MoveTo 585, 420
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 2000
End If
IfColor 307, 324, "8A36EE", 0 Then
IfColor 229,329,"FB4FB",0 Then
Goto 换一批1
f = f + 1
If f=30 Then
Call 刷新历练体力1()
End If
Goto 排名战1
End If
End If
IfColor 248, 368, "C7E9F9", 0 Then
MoveTo 248, 368
Delay 2000
LeftClick 1
Delay 4000
IfColor 235,329,"FB4FB",0 Then
Goto 换一批1
Goto 排名战1
End If
Rem 换一批1
Delay 2000
FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\礼券10.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then 
Delay 100
MoveTo intX+5, intY+10
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
Delay 1000
a = 0
Delay 1000
Delay 100
MoveTo 337, 372