KeyUpH 40,2 delay_all_down=delay_all_down+delay_down Delay 20 EndIf // VBSCall inputbox("小地图坐标"&let_x&","&let_y&"移动量"&move_x&","&move_y&" AtT值"&att_x&","&att_y) Goto start Else If down_or_return=1 t_return=0 Gosub 自动归位 Else Delay 300 Gosub 打坐 EndIf EndIf Return 找怪 Sub 判断怪的死亡 t_die=timer bar_time=timer Rem 判断怪有没死亡 VBSCall FindCenterColor(626-move_x,94-move_y,651-move_x,104-move_y,die_color,die_x,die_y) //VBSCall FindColorEx(574-move_x,104-move_y,652-move_x,110-move_y,"2124ff",0,0.8,die_x,die_y) If die_x>0 and die_y>0 Gosub 补SP Gosub 补HP //修正时间判断 If timer-bar_time>ber_time VBSCall FindCenterColor(626-move_x,94-move_y,651-move_x,104-move_y,die_color,die_x,die_y) If die_x>0 and die_y>0 Rem 判断系统设置窗口 KeyPress 27 1 Delay 1000 VBSCall esc_1=GetPixelColor(354-move_x,443-move_y) VBSCall esc_2=GetPixelColor(454-move_x,496-move_y) VBSCall esc_3=GetPixelColor(354-move_x,120-move_y) If esc_1=esc_2 and esc_1=esc_3 Delay 1000 Goto 判断系统设置窗口 EndIf EndIf Goto start EndIf //血少于一定量逃一段路 VBSCall FindColorEx(4-move_x,27-move_y,43-move_x,114-move_y-bar_hp*0.87,color_all,0,0.6,hp_x,hp_y) If hp_x<0 KeyPress 49,1 KeyDown 39,1 Delay 500 KeyUp 39,1 delay_all_right=delay_all_right+500 MoveTo 404-move_x,323-move_y LeftClick 1 Delay 1000 //为了重新再找怪 VBSCall esc_1=GetPixelColor(354-move_x,443-move_y) VBSCall esc_2=GetPixelColor(454-move_x,496-move_y) VBSCall esc_3=GetPixelColor(354-move_x,120-move_y) If esc_1=esc_2 and esc_1=esc_3 KeyPressH 27,1 Delay 500 EndIf Goto start EndIf If zhs="Y" Gosub 召唤兽判断 EndIf Delay 500 Goto 判断怪有没死亡 Else If pick="Y" Gosub 自动捡物 If xhf5=1 y_or_n_f5 ="Y" EndIf EndIf Goto start EndIf Return 判断怪的死亡 Sub 补HP VBSCall FindColorEx(4-move_x,27-move_y,43-move_x,114-move_y-hp*0.87,color_all,0,0.5,hp_x,hp_y) If hp_x>0 and hp_y>0 Else //判断使用技能补血还是物品补血 If y_or_n_skillHP=1 KeyPress 112,1 Delay 100 MoveTo 40-move_x,54-move_y Delay 700 LeftClick 1 RightClick 1 Delay 1500 MoveTo 52-move_x,170-move_y Goto start Else KeyPress 112,1 Delay 700 EndIf EndIf Return 补HP Sub 补SP