TempStr = Plugin.File.ReadINI("颜色特征",i,INI_FILE)
	COL(i) = TempStr


Rem 自动攻击

c1 = GetPixelColor(X-10,Y-10)
c2 = GetPixelColor(X-10,Y+10)
c3 = GetPixelColor(X+10,Y-10)
c4 = GetPixelColor(X+10,Y+10)

FindValid = 0
For i = 0 To VALIDNUM - 1 	//VALIDNUM值为需要判断的技能数量,之前已输入
	If c1 = COL(i*4) And c2 = COL(i*4 + 1) And c3 = COL(i*4 + 2) And c4 = COL(i*4 + 3) Then 
		FindValid = 1
		KeyPress CByte(SHOTCUT(i)), 2
		Delay GCD  //延时
		Exit for
	End If

If FindValid = 0 Then
	Delay 50  //延时
End If

Goto 自动攻击  //跳转到攻击开始