Delay 200
        FindPic 537+ux,345+uy,616+ux,374+uy,"Attachment:\名称定点.bmp",0.7,intX,intY
        If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
            Delay 300
            MoveTo intX+20,intY+50
            Delay 300
            KeyPress "4", 1
        End If
    Delay 300
End Sub
Sub 单打()
    Delay 1000
    KeyPress "`", 1
    Delay 800
    IfColor 475+ux,33+uy,"404B3",0 Then
        KeyPress "F1", 1
        Delay 300
    End If
End Sub
Sub 窗口2()
    Hwnd1 = Plugin.Window.Find(0, "倩女幽魂Online 版本[96621] 服务器[春江花月] 角色ID[245950192]")
    sRect = Plugin.Window.GetClientRect(Hwnd1)
    Dim MyArray1
    Call Plugin.Window.Active(Hwnd1)
    Delay 600
    Call Plugin.Window.Restore(Hwnd1)
    Delay 1000
    Call Plugin.Window.Move(Hwnd1, 0, 0)
    Delay 1000
    KeyPress "E", 1
    Delay 1000
    KeyPress "5", 1
    Delay 10000
    KeyPress "5", 1
    Delay 800
    KeyPress "1", 1
    Delay 600
    KeyPress "2", 1
    Delay 600
    KeyPress "3", 1
    Delay 600
    Call Plugin.Window.Min(Hwnd1)
    Delay 600
    KeyPress "E", 1
    Delay 1000
    Call Plugin.Window.Active(Hwnd)
    Delay 600
    Call Plugin.Window.Restore(Hwnd)
End Sub
Sub 查看2角色血量()
    IfColor 99+ux,235+uy,"101CB",0 Then
        Call 窗口2()
        Delay 1000
    End If
End Sub
Delay 300
Sub 切换窗口()
    Delay 300
    KeyDown "Alt", 1
    Delay 600
    KeyPress "Tab", 1
    Delay 1000
    KeyUp "Alt", 1
    Delay 1000
End Sub
Sub 加血、加蓝()
End Sub
Sub 买火烧()
    FindPic 476,762,524,810,"D:\按键精灵9\screen\双麻火烧.bmp",1.0,intX,intY
    If intX> 0 And intY> 0 Then
        FindPic 1052,158,1088,189,"D:\按键精灵9\screen\商城图标.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
        If intX> 0 And intY> 0 Then
            MoveTo intX+ux,intY+uy
        End If
        Delay 219
        MoveTo 445, 566
        MoveTo 445, 565
        MoveTo 444, 562
        MoveTo 444, 560
        Delay 31
        MoveTo 441, 539
        MoveTo 441, 532
        Delay 47
        MoveTo 426, 448
        MoveTo 425, 444