dim zhanghao,mima
UserVar zhanghao=0 "账号"
UserVar mima=0 "密码"

FindPic 0,0,1366,768,"Attachment:\进入游戏.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
    Delay 500
MoveTo intX, intY
    Delay 500
    LeftClick 1
    Delay 500
Call 进入()

Call 进入1()
Call 输入()
Call 进入2()
Delay 1000

Call 进入3()

Call 其他()

    End If
Sub 进入3()
FindPic 0,0,1366,768,"Attachment:\进入3.bmp",0.8,intG,intH
If intG > 0 And intH > 0 Then
  MoveTo intG, intH
    Delay 1000
    LeftClick 1
    Delay 1000
End If
    End Sub
Sub 进入2()

            FindPic 0,0,1366,768,"Attachment:\进入2.bmp",0.9,intC,intD
If intC > 0 And intD > 0 Then
            MoveTo intC, intD
    Delay 1000
    LeftClick 1
    Delay 1000
    End If
    End Sub
Sub 输入()

    Delay 3000
            SayString zhanghao
                Delay 1000
            KeyPress "Enter", 1
                Delay 1000
            SayString mima
    End Sub
    Sub 进入1()

           FindPic 0,0,1366,768,"Attachment:\进入1.bmp",0.9,intE,intW
If intE > 0 And intW > 0 Then
            Delay 500
MoveTo intE, intW
    Delay 500
    LeftClick 1
     End If
    End Sub
Sub 进入()

     FindPic 0,0,1366,768,"Attachment:\进入.bmp",0.9,intA,intB
If intA > 0 And intB > 0 Then 
	    Delay 500
MoveTo intA, intB
    Delay 500
    LeftClick 1
    Delay 500
    End If
    End Sub
Sub 其他()

    FindPic 0,0,1366,768,"Attachment:\其他.bmp",0.9,intN,intM
If intN > 0 And intM > 0 Then
MoveTo intN+182, intM+5
    Delay 500
    LeftClick 1
    Delay 500
End If
End Sub