Delay 300
        SayString "123"
        Delay 300
        MoveTo czyX+51, czyY+221
        Delay 300
        LeftClick 1
        Delay 3000
End If
End If
FindPic 0,0,1440,900,"Attachment:\熟练度.bmp",0.9,sxdX,sxdY
If sxdX > 0 And sxdY > 0 Then
    Rem 房间
FindPic 0,0,1440,900,"Attachment:\玩家情报.bmp",0.9,wjqbX,wjqbY
If wjqbX > 0 And wjqbY > 0 Then
IfColor wjqbX+215,wjqbY+35,"FFFFFF",0 Then
MoveTo wjqbX+0, wjqbY+197
Delay 1000
LeftDoubleClick 1
        Delay 1000
End If
IfColor wjqbX+215,wjqbY+54,"FFFFFF",0 Then
MoveTo wjqbX+0, wjqbY+197
Delay 1000
LeftDoubleClick 1
        Delay 1000
End If
IfColor wjqbX+215,wjqbY+73,"FFFFFF",0 Then
MoveTo wjqbX+0, wjqbY+197
Delay 1000
LeftDoubleClick 1
        Delay 1000
End If
IfColor wjqbX+215,wjqbY+92,"FFFFFF",0 Then
MoveTo wjqbX+0, wjqbY+197
Delay 1000
LeftDoubleClick 1
        Delay 1000
End If
IfColor wjqbX+215,wjqbY+149,"FFFFFF",0 Then
Delay 1000
KeyPress "F5", 1
Delay 1000
KeyPress "Esc", 1
            Delay 1000
            Rem 装备1
            IfColor wjqbX+249,wjqbY+136,"FEC200",0 Then
                Delay 1000
            Goto 装备1
End If
End If
    IfColor wjqbX+215,wjqbY+168,"FFFFFF",0 Then
Delay 1000
KeyPress "F5", 1
Delay 1000
KeyPress "Esc", 1
            Delay 1000
                        Rem 装备2
            IfColor wjqbX+249,wjqbY+155,"FEC200",0 Then
                Delay 1000
            Goto 装备2
End If
End If
    IfColor wjqbX+215,wjqbY+187,"FFFFFF",0 Then
Delay 1000
KeyPress "F5", 1
Delay 1000
KeyPress "Esc", 1
            Delay 1000
                        Rem 装备3
            IfColor wjqbX+249,wjqbY+174,"FEC200",0 Then
                Delay 1000
            Goto 装备3
End If
End If
    IfColor wjqbX+215,wjqbY+206,"FFFFFF",0 Then
Delay 1000
KeyPress "F5", 1
Delay 1000
KeyPress "Esc", 1
            Delay 1000
                        Rem 装备4
            IfColor wjqbX+249,wjqbY+193,"FEC200",0 Then
                Delay 1000
            Goto 装备4
End If
End If
End If
FindPic 0,0,1440,900,"Attachment:\random team.bmp",0.9,rdX,rdY
If rdX > 0 And rdY > 0 Then
IfColor rdX-8,rdY+2,"FF69",0 Then
Delay 100
MoveTo rdX-8, rdY+2
    Delay 100
    LeftClick 1
    Delay 100
        Delay 500
    KeyPress "F5", 1
        Delay 500
        KeyPress "Esc", 1