KeyDown "Alt", 1
    Delay 49
    KeyPress "4", 1
    Delay 51
    KeyUp "Alt", 1
    Delay 100
  End If
  Delay 100
  If DateDiff("s", talt5, now) >= salt5 Then 
	KeyDown "Alt", 1
    Delay 49
    KeyPress "5", 1
    Delay 51
    KeyUp "Alt", 1
    Delay 100
  End If
  Delay 100
  Rem 辨别
  Call 延时()
  If DateDiff("s", tmax, now) >= maxtime Then 
  If bossk <> 1 Then 
  	Goto 下一个
  End If
  End If
  bcolor = GetPixelColor(Lx + 278, Ty + 62)
  Call Plugin.Color.ColorToRGB(bcolor, R, G, B)  
  Call Plugin.Color.ColorToHSL(bcolor, H, S, L)  
  If B > 210 and S > 180 and L > 90 Then 
  Goto 下一个
  End If
  Delay 50
  If Rx>1000 then
  XY=Plugin.Color.FindShape(Lx + 260, Ty + 90,Lx + 650, Ty + 230,"1|0|0,-5|1|0,-4|1|0,-3|1|0,-2|1|0,-1|1|0,0|1|1,1|1|0,2|1|0,3|1|0,4|1|0,5|1|0,-5|2|0,-4|2|1,-3|2|1,-2|2|1,-1|2|1,0|2|1,1|2|1,2|2|1,3|2|1,4|2|1,5|2|0,-5|3|0,-4|3|0,-3|3|0,-2|3|0,-1|3|0,0|3|1,1|3|0,2|3|0,3|3|0,4|3|0,5|3|0,-6|4|0,-5|4|0,-4|4|0,-3|4|0,-2|4|0,-1|4|0,0|4|1,1|4|0,2|4|0,3|4|0,4|4|0,5|4|0,6|4|0,-6|5|0,-5|5|1,-4|5|1,-3|5|1,-2|5|1,-1|5|1,0|5|1,1|5|1,2|5|1,3|5|1,4|5|1,5|5|1,6|5|0,-6|6|0,-5|6|0,-4|6|0,-3|6|0,-2|6|0,-1|6|0,0|6|1,1|6|0,2|6|0,3|6|0,4|6|0,5|6|0,6|6|0,-5|7|0,-4|7|1,-3|7|0,-2|7|0,-1|7|0,0|7|1,1|7|0,2|7|0,3|7|0,4|7|1,5|7|0,-5|8|0,-4|8|1,-3|8|0,-2|8|0,-1|8|0,0|8|1,1|8|0,2|8|0,3|8|0,4|8|1,5|8|0,-5|9|0,-4|9|1,-3|9|0,-2|9|0,-1|9|0,0|9|1,1|9|0,2|9|0,3|9|0,4|9|1,5|9|0,-5|10|0,-4|10|1,-3|10|1,-2|10|1,-1|10|1,0|10|1,1|10|1,2|10|1,3|10|1,4|10|1,5|10|0,-5|11|0,-4|11|0,-3|11|0,-2|11|0,-1|11|0,0|11|0,1|11|0,2|11|0,3|11|0,4|11|0,5|11|0",0.7)
  ZB = InStr(XY,"|")
  X = Clng(Left(XY, ZB - 1)): Y = Clng(Right(XY, Len(XY) - ZB))
  If X > 0 and Y > 0 Then 
  Goto 下一个
  End If
  XY=Plugin.Color.FindShape(Lx + 240, Ty + 90,Lx + 560, Ty + 200,"1|0|0,-5|1|0,-4|1|0,-3|1|0,-2|1|0,-1|1|0,0|1|1,1|1|0,2|1|0,3|1|0,4|1|0,5|1|0,-5|2|0,-4|2|1,-3|2|1,-2|2|1,-1|2|1,0|2|1,1|2|1,2|2|1,3|2|1,4|2|1,5|2|0,-5|3|0,-4|3|0,-3|3|0,-2|3|0,-1|3|0,0|3|1,1|3|0,2|3|0,3|3|0,4|3|0,5|3|0,-6|4|0,-5|4|0,-4|4|0,-3|4|0,-2|4|0,-1|4|0,0|4|1,1|4|0,2|4|0,3|4|0,4|4|0,5|4|0,6|4|0,-6|5|0,-5|5|1,-4|5|1,-3|5|1,-2|5|1,-1|5|1,0|5|1,1|5|1,2|5|1,3|5|1,4|5|1,5|5|1,6|5|0,-6|6|0,-5|6|0,-4|6|0,-3|6|0,-2|6|0,-1|6|0,0|6|1,1|6|0,2|6|0,3|6|0,4|6|0,5|6|0,6|6|0,-5|7|0,-4|7|1,-3|7|0,-2|7|0,-1|7|0,0|7|1,1|7|0,2|7|0,3|7|0,4|7|1,5|7|0,-5|8|0,-4|8|1,-3|8|0,-2|8|0,-1|8|0,0|8|1,1|8|0,2|8|0,3|8|0,4|8|1,5|8|0,-5|9|0,-4|9|1,-3|9|0,-2|9|0,-1|9|0,0|9|1,1|9|0,2|9|0,3|9|0,4|9|1,5|9|0,-5|10|0,-4|10|1,-3|10|1,-2|10|1,-1|10|1,0|10|1,1|10|1,2|10|1,3|10|1,4|10|1,5|10|0,-5|11|0,-4|11|0,-3|11|0,-2|11|0,-1|11|0,0|11|0,1|11|0,2|11|0,3|11|0,4|11|0,5|11|0",0.7)
  ZB = InStr(XY,"|")
  X = Clng(Left(XY, ZB - 1)): Y = Clng(Right(XY, Len(XY) - ZB))
  If X > 0 and Y > 0 Then 
  Goto 下一个
  End If
  End If 
  Delay 50
  If killms = 1 Then 
  rcolor = GetPixelColor(Lx + 279, Ty + 34)
  Call Plugin.Color.ColorToRGB(rcolor, R, G, B)  
  Call Plugin.Color.ColorToHSL(rcolor, H, S, L)  
  If R > 120 and G<15 and B < 10 and S > 210 Then 
	Goto 下一个
  End If
  End If
  hcolor = GetPixelColor(Lx + 278, Ty + 54)
  Call Plugin.Color.ColorToRGB(hcolor, R, G, B)  
  Call Plugin.Color.ColorToHSL(hcolor, H, S, L)  
  If R < 66 and S < 40 Then 
  Goto 下一个
  If R > 210 and B < 10 and H < 10 and S > 230 Then 
  wrongn = 0
  Goto 怪未死
  wrongn = wrongn + 1
  If wrongn >= 2 Then 
  Goto 下一个
  End If
  Goto 怪未死
  End If
  End If
  If bossmode = 2 Then 
  If bossk = 1 Then 
  tboss = now
  pkboss = 2
  End If
  If DateDiff("s", tboss, now) >= 16 and  pkboss = 1 Then 
  pkboss = 0