KeyPress "F11", 1
FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\选取目标.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
    Delay 1000
KeyPress "F9", 1
    Goto g

    End If
Rem g

    LeftClick 1

        FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\BB加血.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
        KeyPress "F1", 1
    Goto f

End If

Rem f

     FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\给BB加血.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
    KeyPress "F1", 2

    Goto b

    End If
    Rem b
                        FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\没BB肉了.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
        If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
                            MessageBox "没BB肉了"
    Goto c
End If
Rem c
FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\防挂机检测.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MessageBox "防挂机检测"
    Goto d
End If
Rem d
FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\人物加血.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
KeyPress "F10", 1
    Goto e
End If
Rem e
FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\没加血的药了.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MessageBox "没加血的药了"
End If
    Goto aaa