Function searchSection(s_x,s_y,e_x,e_y,mBmp,mTemp)
	Dim intX, intY
	FindPic s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y, "Attachment:\" & mBmp & ".bmp",1.0, intX, intY	
	If intX > 0 and intY > 0 Then 
		If mTemp = 1 Then 
			Delay 200
	 		MoveTo intX, intY
	 		Delay 200
	 		LeftClick 1
	 	ElseIf mTemp = 2 Then
	 		Delay 200
	 		MoveTo intX, intY
	 		Delay 500
	 		LeftDoubleClick 1
		End If
	 	searchSection = 1
	    searchSection = 0
	    MessageBox "找不到所选服务区"
	    Call reStartApp()
	End If

End Function

Function inputQQNumAndPaw()
	Delay 15000
 	Hwnd = Plugin.Window.Find("TWINCONTROL", "地下城与勇士")
 	If Hwnd <> 0 Then 
 		sRect = Plugin.Window.GetClientRect(Hwnd)
 		MyArray = Split(sRect, "|")
 		x = Clng(MyArray(0))
 		y = Clng(MyArray(1))
 		l = Clng(MyArray(2))
 		h = Clng(MyArray(3))   
 		Call inputQQandPaw(x, y)
 		Delay 3000
 		Call judgeValidate(x, y, l, h)
		MessageBox "没有可输入的QQ和密码!"
		Call reStartApp()
 	End If
End Function
 *@Fun  inputQQNumber  andr  password
 *@retun null
Function inputQQandPaw(x, y)
	SetSimMode 2
	MoveTo x + 400, y + 375
 	Delay 800
 	LeftClick 1
 	Delay 300
 	KeyPress "BackSpace", 18
 	Delay 300
 	Call Lib.键盘.KeyList(QQNum, 2, 100)
 	Delay 300
 	KeyPress "Tab", 1
	Call Lib.键盘.KeyList(QQpass, 2, 100)
	Delay 500
	KeyPress "Enter", 1
	SetSimMode 0
End Function

 Function judgeValidate(x,y,l,h)	
	While validateFlag
		hasV = judgeHasValidate(x, y, x + l, y + h)
		If hasV = 1 Then 
			Delay 20000				
			validateFlag = false
		End If
	If Not  validateFlag  Then 
		Call selectChannel()
	End If	
 End Function
 *@Fun   判断是否有验证码
 *@arg   null
 *@retun null
 Function judgeHasValidate(s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y)
 	Dim intX, intY
	FindPic s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y, "Attachment:\验证码.bmp", 1.0, intX, intY
	If intX > 0 and intY > 0 Then 
	 	judgeHasValidate = 1
	    judgeHasValidate = 0
	End If
 End Function
Function selectChannel()
	Delay 40000