PutAttachment ".\plugin","*.dll"
    PutAttachment "f:\plugin\大漠梦想","*.bmp"
    PutAttachment "F:\plugin\大漠梦想","*.txt"
    PutAttachment "F:\plugin\大漠梦想","dm.dll"
//    Call Plugin.DBSoft.RegDBSoft("0731A74F3AA9DC55C27CA168D151F792")
    Call Plugin.RegDll.Reg("F:\plugin\大漠梦想\dm.dll")
    set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
    dm.SetPath "F:\plugin\大漠梦想"
    dm.SetDict 0,"F:\plugin\大漠梦想\总字库.txt"

Hwnd = Plugin.Window.Find("TianLongBaBu WndClass", 0)

Call Plugin.Window.Active(Hwnd)

sRect = Plugin.Window.GetClientRect(Hwnd)

Dim Array


Uy = CLng(Array(1))
Ux1= CLng(Array(2))
Uy1 = CLng(Array(3))

// 去西湖
  sTime3 = Plugin.Sys.GetTime()

FindColor 0,0,1024,768,"00131B",X,Y
If X > 0 And Y > 0 Then
    MoveTo X, Y
    LeftClick 1
    Delay 500
FindColor 0,0,1024,768,"63F2FF",X,Y
If X > 0 And Y > 0 Then
MoveTo X, Y
LeftClick 1
    Delay 100
    MoveTo X+30, Y
    LeftClick 1
    Delay 100
    SayString "279"
    Delay 100
        MoveTo X+60, Y
        LeftClick 1
    SayString "416"
            MoveTo X+120, Y
            LeftClick 1
    Delay 4000
    KeyPress "Enter", 1

    Delay 5000

        End If
        End If

MoveTo 490+Ux, 329+Uy

LeftClick 1
Delay 1500

rem 加血
sTime1 = Plugin.Sys.GetTime()
IfColor 193 + Ux, 34 + Uy, "393939", 0 Then
Delay 200
KeyPress "F7", 1
Delay 5000
End If
IfColor 197 + Ux, 43 + Uy, "373737", 0 Then
Delay 200
KeyPress "F10", 1
Delay 200
End If